Medicine for Teething
What do mean by 'medicine for teething?' This refers to a variety of medicines which are designed to ease the symptoms of teething, for example the pain caused by an emerging tooth. These medicines or 'analgesics' are painkillers which reduce a raised temperature as well as easing the pain of teething. These include 'Nurofen for Children'and Calpol. Both Calpol and Nurofen are discussed in more detail in our teething and calpol and teething and nurofen articles. These medicines are known as 'over the counter' medicines in that they can be bought at a chemist or online without needing a prescription. Examples of these include paracetamol and ibuprofen.
Another option is teething gels which are dealt with in a separate section. Find out more about these in our teething gels article.
Are there alternative remedies for teething?
There are parents who prefer to give their child a natural remedy rather than medicines which contain chemicals. These homeopathic remedies are seen as safer and unlikely to cause any harmful side effects. But, like any type of medicine they should be used in conjunction with medical advice. This is especially important if your baby is on some form of medication as a homeopathic remedy can interfere with that medication. It is a good idea to obtain advice before you buy any alternative or complimentary remedies for teething.
There are homeopathic treatments such as teething tablets but concerns have been raised about the safety of these remedies. They are considered to have harmful side effects and as such have been taken off the market.
As an alternative there are parents who swear by the amber teething necklace whereas others find that teething granules work best for them.